Self Improvement and Motivation

Buy Your Success with Your Failure

There is a currency for every goal you want to achieve, one of them is a failure.

Erfandi Maula Yusnu, Lalu
5 min readJul 20, 2020
Photo by whoislimos on Unsplash

Failure is a part of life that many people including me hate it very much, it makes you fear, sad and angry with the reality you face when it happens. Yes, it’s part of life that makes people stop to move toward their goals because they are to fear to feel that emotion, they are fear to feel the pain of failure.

The pain makes people stop to continue their journey in the way of their success, they choose to stop, so that’s why it becomes a real failure. And then they make an early conclusion about what’s happening by saying “I don’t have a talent for this!” or “I can’t do this!, It is just not me!” or something similar. They just strengthen their mindset to be a loser by claiming they can’t have a thing they want to achieve.

Its Start From Seed of Mindset

If you have ever in this condition then we are the same, but what makes a loser always being a loser? It is because they choose to stop and develop the mindset of loser inside their mind. And what makes a successful people success is because they choose to never give up, to never stop their journey and develop the mindset of successful people in their mind.

It starts from the seed of mindset than it will grow inside yourself, and when you see people achieve success in their life, its the fruit of the tree that they raise inside themself. They cultivate the fruit of the tree that they plant. The seed of a mindset that always gets watering and nutrition from habits, attitude and hard work will eventually grow by the light of knowledge and wisdom. The fruit is only the end of result of what most people see, but they did not see how long and what it takes to make the tree to grow and produce fruit.

Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash

The Seed is the Phrase “Failure as Currency”

As for me, I develop my mindset to see failure as a currency built upon the sacrifice of five base element in your life. These five sacrifices are mind, heart, time, energy, and material resource. When you sacrifice your mind, it means you choose to focus, give attention and think for the thing you want to achieve. As for the heart, the way you sacrifice with the heart is by choosing or prioritize the thing you want to achieve and deny other temptation that makes you stop prioritize it in your heart. And it applies the same way with another base element that built the failure currency.

Failure currency are built upon scarification of mind, heart, time, energy, and material resource.

Now, let’s count every achievement that we want with this mindset. Let say you have a goal to mastering a new skill like writing, then you can calculate how much attention, will power, body energy, material resource and time to pay it. It will not succeed in the first attempt for everyone, that’s what I said as failure currency, you need to pay it with more failure until it gets to succeed. How many times? For how long I need to pay it?

As Malcolm Gladwell claims about the rule of 10,000 Hours

The key to achieving world-class expertise in any skill, is to a large extent, a matter of practicing the correct way, for a total of around 10,000 hours

Not every person need 10,000 hours to be expert on a thing they want. Different person has different currency failure to pay to get his success, it depends on many variables. Some people need little sacrification because they’ve made it before, and they just need to pay half of it. Or they may have more IQ or personality traits that more match to what the achievement the want to achieve, so they don’t need to pay it much, they just pay it little because they are richer inside.

Grow The Seed of Mindset with Care

If the seed is the mindset than how to grow it? The answer is you grow it with watering, nutrition and light right? So what the analogy of water and nutrition? For me, the water and nutrition in this analogy is the attitude and hard work, and for the light is knowledge and wisdom. Grow is a perpetual process that needs repetition over time, so I call this growing process as habits.

So, if you plant the seed that we call failure as currency, you need to grow it with habits. But what habits are? Habits are something that you repeat over a long period of time. So, in this case, we want to have habits that sacrifice five things to get our failure currency and make it as a new normal.

As I said habits is the way to grow the mindset, so sacrifice and struggle to get your goal and fail in the process is the way to grow your mindset, to grow yourself. You need to pay it more, to give it more, the sacrifice and struggle for the tree inside you to grow and achieve your goal in your life.

In conclusion, see failure as something you need pay to get your success. How much and how long? Like I said before, a different person pays a different amount of failure to achieve their success. Every one of us has a different background of life, like education, economy, culture, and soo on. You need to accept this reality of difference that happens in life and trust the life has its own way to balance everything inside it. Just do your best to make the sacrifice to get the goal that you want! Eventually, it will reach the failure currency that it needs to pay the success you want.

I hope you enjoy my writing, but before I leave, I think you would like to read another similar article that I write to complement your mindset and to see life in different ways. Check this link below.

I hope you change your mind and do got your success after this, plant the seed inside your mind and cultivate the fruit with the right process.



Erfandi Maula Yusnu, Lalu
Erfandi Maula Yusnu, Lalu

Written by Erfandi Maula Yusnu, Lalu

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